Currently, approximately 400,000 Americans suffer from Multiple Sclerosis. This summer Lens 2 Life Photography is partnering up with participating local businesses to raise awareness and money for MS research. This project is inspired by Vanessa Haase, who was diagnosed with MS nearly two years ago. A special education teacher in Crystal Lake, Vanessa spends countless hours creating ways to help her students overcome their individual struggles to reach their potential. She is also the first person to jump in and help someone in need. Whether its through organizing a group for a fundraiser or doing something to help her students, Vanessa is the type of person who goes above and beyond!
Vanessa’s Story

Vanessa is a mother of three children, ages 7 and 4 (twins). She began experiencing symptoms while on the way to pick her daughter up from daycare in late April, 2014. As she was driving, she noticed her peripheral vision blurring. Later, her blurred vision became double vision. A few days passed and on Saturday morning when Vanessa woke up she was numb from the waist down. She called her doctor and went through a series of tests. An MRI showed abnormalities in her brain, indicating something was seriously wrong.
Further testing was completed, including a spinal MRI and a spinal tap. On May 15, 2014 Vanessa was diagnosed with RRMS or Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis. RRMS is the most common of the four types of MS, characterized by “. . . clearly defined attacks of increasing new or neurologic symptoms. These attacks – also called relapses or exacerbations – are followed by periods of partial or complete recovery (remissions). During remissions, all symptoms may disappear, or some symptoms may continue and become permanent” (
Vanessa does not take MS lightly. With three young children to care for, she knows she needs to stay healthy and fit. In order to manage her symptoms, she exercises regularly, manages her stress levels, eats healthy, and avoids processed foods as much as possible. When Vanessa was diagnosed, a new tradition was born. Each summer, since her diagnosis, Vanessa’s friends, coworkers and family participate in the MuckFest, which raises money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. This year we would like to do more than just participate! With the help of participating local businesses we hope to raise money for MS research as well as awareness of the many symptoms of MS.

During the months of June, July and August in 2016 Lens 2 Life Photography will donate a set amount for each service rendered.
$25 for every Sweetie, Newborn and Mentoring session
$50 for every Premiere Session and Click Digital Photography Workshop
$75 for every Premiere Plus Session
$100 for each Commercial Project
Also during the months of June, July and August in 2016 Move! Chiropractic and Wellness will contribute $25 for each new patient.
Each session and new patient will go into a raffle to be drawn September 10th, the day of the MuckFest, for two rooms of carpet cleaning by American Carpet Cleaning and Restoration Services within a 20 mile radius of Palatine, IL.
Together we can make a difference. Together we are Mud Strong!